(Hi)stories on (Hi)stories. Historical-Anthropological Fieldwork as Reflexive Process


  • Ernst Langthaler Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Geschichte des ländlichen Raumes




reflexivity, fieldwork, history of everyday life, local history, National Socialism, community study, memory, reception of texts


This article discusses possibilities and limits of reflexive field research as exemplified by a historical-anthropological community study. Such reflexive approaches accept the subjectivity of the researcher as a condition of scientific cognition. In manifold situations the discourse of the researcher on the local history of everyday life in the 20th century in general and especially on the Nazi era clashes with prevailing memory discourses. Such "obstructions" turn out to be opportunities to reflect on the conditions and consequences of the researcher's own practice more adequately. The gained insights in the possibilities of reflexive fieldwork also clarify its limits, e.g. the reader's signifying power over the author's texts. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0302340


Author Biography

Ernst Langthaler, Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Geschichte des ländlichen Raumes

Ernst LANGTHALER, Diplom- und Doktoratsstudium der Geschichte sowie Graduiertenkolleg "Historische Anthropologie" in Wien, danach mehrere Jahre lang Mitarbeit in wirtschafts-, sozial- und kulturhistorischen Forschungsprojekten, derzeit wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Geschichte des ländlichen Raumes und Lehrbeauftragter an den Instituten für Zeitgeschichte sowie Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte der Universität Wien. Arbeitsgebiete: Geschichte des ländlichen Raumes, Gedächtnisgeschichte, Methodologie der Alltagsgeschichte / Historischen Anthropologie / Mikrohistorie.



How to Cite

Langthaler, E. (2003). (Hi)stories on (Hi)stories. Historical-Anthropological Fieldwork as Reflexive Process. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 4(2). https://doi.org/10.17169/fqs-4.2.707