Review: Hy Mariampolski (2001). Qualitative Market Research: A Comprehensive Guide


  • Orlando Villella



qualitative market research, marketing business, qualitative methods


MARIAMPOLSKI's book successfully meets its stated promise of a comprehensive guide to qualitative market research. The author has taken a cookbook approach to the discipline and provides a considerable amount of forms and checklists to support that approach. The highlight of this book is its ability to provide a recipe for qualitative research methodology in market research. Because of the author's thorough identification of procedures and forms, it provides a basis for understanding of the best practices employed by qualitative market research practitioners. MARIAMPOLSKI meets his educational research objective fairly well with this effort. For students who are unfamiliar with market research methodologies, this book would serve as a comprehensive guide to conducting that research. As such, one should not be disappointed that the book is heavily weighted toward practical applications and light on theoretical issues in qualitative research. After all, the purpose of the book is not to expand or explore the theoretical concepts surrounding qualitative methods but to provide data to support meaningful brand marketing. This book clearly meets the stated objectives. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs020486


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Author Biography

Orlando Villella

Orlando VILLELLA has over 30 years of experience in private industry, working with engineering and construction companies in project management functions on projects in the United States, Africa, the Middle East, and South America. Dr. VILLELLA has an Ed. D. from Duquesne University. His research interests include interpretive research, narrative inquiry, and community efficacy and heritage knowledge.




How to Cite

Villella, O. (2002). Review: Hy Mariampolski (2001). Qualitative Market Research: A Comprehensive Guide. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 3(4).



Methodology and Methods