The Internet: A New Field for Qualitative Inquiry?
Internet, representations, field, youth, diabetesAbstract
The paper describes how free association qualitative interviews (HOLLWAY & JEFFERSON 2000), conducted via the Internet with a group of young people with diabetes, revealed the possibilities of viewing the Internet as an arena for field studies. Drawing upon the fieldwork notion that in order to fully understand and appreciate action from the perspective of the participants, one must get close to and participate in a wide cross-section of everyday activities over an extended period of time (EMERSON, FRETZ & SCHAW 1996), I identified the Internet as a meaningful space in which to meet Danish youth with diabetes. Developing on-line relations with more than 20 young people with diabetes, contributed to a rich, "bottom up" picture of their lived experiences with diabetes. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0202156Downloads
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How to Cite
Holge-Hazelton, B. (2002). The Internet: A New Field for Qualitative Inquiry?. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 3(2).
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Copyright (c) 2002 Bibi Holge-Hazelton

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