Editorial Note
dialogue, scientific exchange, review, review essayAbstract
This contribution reports on the last two years of FQS Review, a permanent element of FQS. The arrangements we have made with various publishers are discussed and the editorial process, from finding reviewers until a review finally is published, is explained. Overall, the story of FQS Review seems to be one of success, not only in terms of the number of reviews and review essays published, but also in terms of the reviews being increasingly recognized as valuable contributions of their own, discussing relevant topics from various research fields. Despite these positive effects, our aim to foster greater exchanges between various scientific cultures and/or nationalities has not yet been accomplished. Two observations inform this conclusion: First, the users of FQS (readers, authors of the media units, etc.) have not used the FQS Discussion Board to make remarks or replies to the reviews nor have they have not presented additional views, comments, etc. Second, the language of the reviews typically reflects the language of the respective media unit and this means that specific discourses seldom cross language boundaries. The opportunity, therefore, to influence similar discussions, taking place in other tongues, seldom occurs. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0202281Downloads
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How to Cite
Mey, G. (2002). Editorial Note. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 3(2). https://doi.org/10.17169/fqs-3.2.868
FQS Reviews
Copyright (c) 2002 Günter Mey

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