Review: Cornelia Behnke & Michael Meuser (1999). Geschlechterforschung und qualitative Methoden [Gender Research and Qualitative Methods]


  • Nicola Döring TU Ilmenau



gender, gender studies, women's studies, qualitative research, doing gender, feminist research, feminist methodology, construction of masculinitys


In less than 100 pages Cornelia BEHNKE and Michael MEUSER explain how gender studies evolved from women's studies and what feminist methodology is all about. They also discuss the interrelation of qualitative research and gender studies. The great potential of qualitative research based on a constructivist gender concept is demonstrated with a group discussion study involving different men only groups. Finally the authors deal with the question of how the researcher's gender affects both data collection and data analysis. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0103253


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Author Biography

Nicola Döring, TU Ilmenau

Nicola DÖRING, Dr. phil., Dipl.-Psych., arbeitet als wissenschaftliche Assistentin am Institut für Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (IfMK) der TU Ilmenau und vertritt im Wintersemester 2001/2002 die Professur "Kommunikationswissenschaft mit Schwerpunkt Medienintegration" an der Universität Erfurt. Ihr Forschungsschwerpunkt sind soziale Aspekte der mediatisierten Kommunikation, insbesondere der Online- und Mobil-Kommunikation.



How to Cite

Döring, N. (2001). Review: Cornelia Behnke & Michael Meuser (1999). Geschlechterforschung und qualitative Methoden [Gender Research and Qualitative Methods]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 2(3).

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