Review: Henning Bech (1997). When Men Meet. Homosexuality and Modernity


  • Tilmann Walter



gay history, phenomenology of gender


The Danish sociologist Henning BECH describes in his excellent study from 1997 the formation and phenomenology of a "homosexual form of existence". In the late 19th century "homosexuals" were the avant-garde of a modern, urban way of life. Nowadays this type of lifestyle is not typical just for "homosexuals" but it concerns both the "homosexuals" and "heterosexuals" alike: the social "gender conflict" has evolved under the conditions of the "Telecities" into a "gender game" by which men and women express themselves through their "cultural wardrobes". We find sexuality in the center of this game as it seems to be the only remaining way to experience "being a man or a woman". URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs010352


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Author Biography

Tilmann Walter

Tilmann WALTER, Studium der Geschichte und der Germanistik in Heidelberg; 1997 Promotion in Germanistik über "Unkeuschheit und Werk der Liebe. Diskurse über Sexualität am Beginn der Neuzeit in Deutschland" (Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 1998); derzeit Forschungsassistent am Sonderforschungsbereich 511 "Literatur und Anthropologie" an der Universität Konstanz; Arbeitsschwerpunkte: Historische Anthropologie, Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Geschichte der Sexualität; in FQS 2(2) finden sich weitere Rezension von Tilmann Walter zu Literarische Imagologie und historische Anthropologie der Haut ( und Körperbewegungen und ihre Bedeutungen (



How to Cite

Walter, T. (2001). Review: Henning Bech (1997). When Men Meet. Homosexuality and Modernity. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 2(3).

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