Review: Ingrid Miethe, Claudia Kajatin & Jana Pohl (Eds.) (2004). Geschlechterkonstruktionen in Ost und West. Biografische Perspektiven [Gender Constructions in East and West. Biographical Perspectives]
gender, biography, societal transformation, East Germany, West Germany, feminism, women's movement, biographical method, narrativeAbstract
This reader contains analyses of gender constructions in East and West Germany from biographical perspectives. It is based on narrative interviews with women and men living in the former East and West. By means of case reconstructions and case comparisons the authors reveal how individuals deal actively with specific societal gender roles. Historical differences between women's movement and feminism in East Germany versus West Germany are knowledgeably described. The book offers a very complex and multilayered theoretical and empirical construction of gender in its diverse dimensions, but men's biographies and men's studies remain marginalized. Men's movements as well as the gay rights movement are blind spots. The gendering of work and the context of European unification are emphasized. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0602353Downloads
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How to Cite
Döring, N. (2006). Review: Ingrid Miethe, Claudia Kajatin & Jana Pohl (Eds.) (2004). Geschlechterkonstruktionen in Ost und West. Biografische Perspektiven [Gender Constructions in East and West. Biographical Perspectives]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 7(2).
Thematic Issue
Copyright (c) 2006 Nicola Döring

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