Contextualization, Authority, Communication. Some Remarks on the FQS Debate "Quality of Qualitative Research"
quality of interpretative research, quality assessment, knowledge production, heteronomization of scientific knowledge, context/contextualization, configurations of the research processAbstract
The contexts, modes and forms of the production of scientific knowledge are getting more and more pluralistic and heteronomous ("heteronomization of scientific knowledge"). It's on this base we are discussing here the qualities of qualitative social research. The variety and multitude of social terms of the production of scientific knowledge are taken into account. Therefore, quality means more than validity. Quality is a broader concept that refers to a variety of configurations of conditions and criteria of the research project as well as the research process. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs010223Downloads
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How to Cite
Kiener, U., & Schanne, M. (2001). Contextualization, Authority, Communication. Some Remarks on the FQS Debate "Quality of Qualitative Research". Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 2(2).
FQS Debate: Quality of Qualitative Research
Copyright (c) 2001 Urs Kiener, Michael Schanne

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