FQS Debate "Teaching and Learning Qualitative Methods," Articles Published
FQS 26(1): Teaching Studios as Spaces of Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Shaping a Transitional Phase in Teaching Qualitative Research Methods (Nicole Weydmann, Andrea Ploder, Jeannine Wintzer)
FQS 25(3): Enquiry-Based Learning in Public Health—Opportunities for Application-Led Qualitative Method Teaching (Anna Christina Nowak, Kerstin Hämel)
FQS 25(1): Current Transformations of Teaching and Learning Qualitative Research: A Discussion (Guenter Mey, Debora Niermann, Petra Panenka, Nicole Weydmann)
FQS 24(2): Flipping the Script in Higher Education: Teaching Qualitative Methods in Geography With Flipped Classroom and Research-Oriented Learning (Jeannine Wintzer)
FQS 22(3): More Participation Within Reconstructive Research: Explanation Videos as Introduction Into Research With the Documentary Method (Matthias Otten, Sebastian Hempel)
FQS 22(2): Methods in the Center! Methods into the Center? Potentials and Limits of University Methods Centers for the Expansion of Qualitative Teaching and Education (Fiona Kalkstein, Günter Mey)
FQS 16(3): Analyzing the Qualitative Data Analyst: A Naturalistic Investigation of Data Interpretation (Wolff-Michael Roth)
FQS 13(2): Teaching Qualitative Methods in the Age of Bologna. A New Didactic Approach for the Social Sciences (Nicole Bögelein, Kathia Esperanza Serrano-Velarde)
FQS 12(3): Integrating Software in the Teaching of Grounded Theory Methodology (Agnes Mühlmeyer-Mentzel, Ingeborg Schürmann)
FQS 12(2): Teaching Qualitative Market Research: Multi-Perspectival Evaluation of a Curriculum Innovation (Bettina König, Claudia Kummer)
FQS 10(1): A "Virtual Island" for Qualitative Researchers: A Field Report on an Internet-based PhD-Study Group of Qualitative Researchers Within the "NetzWerkstatt" Concept (Christine Moritz)
FQS 9(3): Learning and Teaching Qualitative Research Methods in Social Science. Provisional Reflections (Benno Herzog)
FQS 9(2): Things Really Exist? A Survival-Kit for Prospective Phenomenologists (Dirk Koob)
FQS 8(3): The Use of Archived Research Data in the Training of Qualitative Research Methods—Concept and Evaluation of a Pilot Model for Learning that is Closely Linked to Research (Britta Stiefel)
FQS 8(1): Comment: Thesen zur Lehr- und Lernbarkeit qualitativer Methoden [Can Qualitative Methods Be Taught and Learned? Some Theses] (Hubert Knoblauch)
FQS 8(1): Comment: Was ist qualitative Forschung? Eine studentische Lernerfahrung [What Exactly is Qualitative Research? A Student's Learning Experience] (Barbara Dieris)
FQS 8(1): Comment: Die Lehre qualitativer Forschung im Studium der Sozialen Arbeit. Ein Erfahrungsbericht von Nebenschauplätzen [Teaching Qualitative Methods in the Social Work Curriculum. An Experience Report from the Margins] (Rudolf Schmitt)
FQS 8(1): Comment: Reflexivität, Vertrauen, Professionalität. Was Studierende in einer gemeinsamen Praxis qualitativer Forschung lernen können [Reflexivity, Trust, Professionalism: What Students Can Learn from Practicing Qualitative Research Together with Others] (Bettina Dausien)
FQS 8(1): Loriot as a Symbolic Interactionist. Or: Why We Sometimes Need to Negotiate Social Order Even in a Bathtub (Dirk Koob)
FQS 8(1): Issues in Learning About and Teaching Qualitative Research Methods and Methodology in the Social Sciences (Franz Breuer, Margrit Schreier)