Die Archivierung von Längsschnittdaten für künftige Forschungsarbeiten. Warum qualitative Daten zur Nützlichkeit wissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen beitragen


  • Jacquelyn B. James Harvard University
  • Annemette Sørensen Harvard University




Archivierung, Längsschnitt, qualitative Forschung, Sekundäranalyse


In dem vorliegenden Beitrag diskutieren wir die besonderen Herausforderungen, denen Archive begegnen müssen, wenn sie Längsschnittdaten mit breiten qualitativen Datenanteilen für künftige Forschungsarbeiten bereitstellen wollen. Wir berühren dabei Fragen des Datenschutzes, einer optimalen Aufbereitung der Daten für Re-Analysen (und möglicher Wege für Follow-Ups ohne Verletzungen des Datenschutzes) sowie Möglichkeiten, Forschende bei der (Planung der) Archivierung von Daten für Längsschnittuntersuchungen zu unterstützen. Das Kernstück unseres Beitrages beschäftigt sich mit dem besonderen Nutzen von qualitativen Daten für künftige Forschungsarbeiten. Dabei ist unser Hauptargument, dass qualitatives Material in einem weitaus größeren Ausmaß als quantitative Daten späteren Forscher(inne)n neue/zusätzliche Perspektiven und Deutungsmöglichkeiten eröffnet. Wir verdeutlichen dies an Re-Analysen von Daten, die im Murray Research Center archiviert wurden. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0003235


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Jacquelyn B. James, Harvard University

Jacquelyn JAMES, is associate director of the Henry A. Murray Research Center at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University. James, who received her doctorate from Boston University in personality psychology, has focused her research on the meaning and complexity of gender, adult development, and motivation. Most of her work has involved using existing data within the archives of the Murray Center*restructuring qualitative data—to create new constructs and variables for a variety of research questions. While at the Murray Research Center, Dr. James has administered two three-year research programs sponsored by the MacArthur Foundation: "The Midlife Research Program" and "The Character and Competence Research Program." These programs have attracted leading scholars to the Murray Research Center to use both quantitative and qualitative data to conduct research on a range of topics relevant to each theme. The results of the analyses from both of these programs were published as edited volumes. The first, "Multiple Paths of Midlife Development" (University of Chicago Press) with coauthor Margie Lachman of Brandeis University, is an edited volume compiling twelve studies examining different aspects of midlife development. The second, similarly compiled, came out in 1998 and is entitled "Competence and Character Through Life," co-edited with Anne Colby and Daniel Hart (University of Chicago Press). In 1995, Dr. James organized a conference to address the controversy regarding gender differences, "Beyond Difference as Model for Studying Gender: In Search of New Stories to Tell." The issues addressed in this conference were published in a book, "The Significance of Gender: Theory and Research about Difference" which was published last summer as a special issue for the Journal of Social Issues). Dr. James has presented her work conducted in collaboration with Dr. Rosalind Barnett at an international conference on Women, Family and the Labor Market in Doha, Qatar—"The Effects of Disagreements About Gender Role Beliefs in Dual Earner Couples." Dr. James is a public lecturer and the author of numerous articles on midlife, personality and gender issues, and the use of archival data for new research.

Annemette Sørensen, Harvard University

Annemette SORENSEN, Director of the Murray Center, is a sociologist specializing in the study of gender stratification in North America and Europe. The sociology of the family, the life course of women and men in modern society, and the impact of public policy on gender relations are other research interests. Her current research is a comparative study of economic inequality between men and women in Europe and the US towards the end of the 20th century. This study is a continuation of her earlier work on married women's economic dependency. A major focus in the current research is to examine how men are affected by women's increasing earnings. Other recent research has focused on the risks associated with the post-nuclear family system with high divorce rates, high rates of childbearing outside marriage, and high employment rates for both parents and on the life course of women and men in the former German Democratic Republic. She received her Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and has taught there as well as at Harvard University and Boston University.




James, J. B., & Sørensen, A. (2000). Die Archivierung von Längsschnittdaten für künftige Forschungsarbeiten. Warum qualitative Daten zur Nützlichkeit wissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen beitragen. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 1(3). https://doi.org/10.17169/fqs-1.3.1040



Die Wiederverwendung qualitativer Daten