Review: Keith F. Punch (2005). Introduction to Social Research – Quantitative & Qualitative Approaches


  • Constantinos N. Phellas Intercollege Nicosia



Sozialforschung, quantitative, qualitative, Ethik, Operationalisierung, Validität, Reliabilität


Introduction to Social Research enthält insgesamt zwölf sehr detaillierte und gut zugängliche Kapitel über quantitative, qualitative und mixed-method Ansätze und richtet sich an Personen, die gerade beginnen, sich mit den Sozialwissenschaften zu befassen. In die nun vorgelegte 2. Auflage wurden zahlreiche illustrative Anwendungsbeispiele aufgenommen, die es Studierenden ermöglichen, die Grundlagen sozialwissenschaftlicher Forschung zu verstehen. Ich selbst werde dieses Buch neuen Studentinnen und Studenten als praktische Hilfe für ihre Forschung unbedingt empfehlen. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs060249


Keine Nutzungsdaten vorhanden.


Constantinos N. Phellas, Intercollege Nicosia

Constantinos N. PHELLAS is currently an associate professor in the School of Humanities at Intercollege, Nicosia, Cyprus. His research interests include sexualities, HIV/AIDS, public health and health promotion and education and the construction of sexual and cultural identities among ethnic minority communities. His publications focus on the intersection of gender and ethnicity and on the use of qualitative and quantitative methods in researching sexualities. His book "The Construction of Sexual and Cultural Identities: Greek-Cypriot Men Resident in England" was published in 2002 by Ashgate Publishers. He is also the director of a Research Unit in Behaviour and Social Issues (RUBSI)—an NGO based at Intercollege. The unit is currently involved in two research projects funded by the Cypriot Government on HIV/AIDS and the social aspects of diabetes in Cyprus and one project on gender discrimination funded by EU.




Phellas, C. N. (2006). Review: Keith F. Punch (2005). Introduction to Social Research – Quantitative & Qualitative Approaches. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 7(2).