

  • Roger J. Rezabek Hawkeye Community College



Distance Learning, qualitative Forschung, höhere Bildung, Community College, online, Fokusgruppen


Als Teil einer Promotionsarbeit wurden im Rahmen einer Online-Fokusgruppe Fragen und Themenbereiche entwickelt, die in (Tiefen-) Interviews mit Fernkursstudenten Anwendung fanden. Die Untersuchung betraf Motive, Erschwernisse usw., die für eine Entscheidung, an Fernstudiengänge teilzunehmen, bedeutungsvoll waren. Im Rahmen der Fokusgruppe wurden ca. zweieinhalb Monate asynchrone Gespräche geführt. Von dieser Untersuchung ausgehend enthält der Beitrag auch ein FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) für Online-Fokusgruppen. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0001185


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Roger J. Rezabek, Hawkeye Community College

Roger J. REZABEK, Ed.D., has been the Director of Academic Telecommunications and Distance Learning at Hawkeye Community College in Waterloo, Iowa, USA since 1993. He is responsible for the delivery of distance learning programs at the college—interactive television credit and non credit courses, telecourses, and satellite downlinks. Hawkeye is part of the fiber optics Iowa Communications Network and also owns and operates a six site ITFS system. Roger is a native of Illinois, USA, but moved to Iowa in 1978. During his professional career (25 years), Roger has served as an Instructional Design Consultant, Video and Audio Production Specialist, Special Education Media Specialist, and an Administrator of Production Services, for three different regional media centers— in Sioux City, Ft. Dodge, and in Cedar Falls, Iowa. Prior to that, he taught at the secondary level and at the University level, and was a radio and television broadcaster in the U.S. Air Force stationed in the Azores. Roger has also been active in both state and national professional organizations including AECT. He has been a presenter of Media topics at three national conventions and at numerous state and regional conferences. His booklet Teleteaching Handbook (1988) is available through ERIC on microfiche, and his Telecourse Guidebook for Students (1996-99) is available on the internet at the Hawkeye Community College Web Site. He received his Doctorate in Educational Leadership and Postsecondary Education (Ed.D.) from the University of Northern Iowa in 1999.




Rezabek, R. J. (2000). Online-Fokusgruppen. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 1(1).