Migration und Fragen der Zugehörigkeiten. Migranten und Migrantinnen in Deutschland und in Florida


  • Gabriele Rosenthal Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
  • Michaela Köttig Fachhochschule Frankfurt am Main




biografische Fallrekonstruktionen, Ethnizität, Konstruktionen kollektiver Zugehörigkeiten


In diesem Beitrag wird der theoretische und methodische Ansatz erläutert, der den empirischen Fallrekonstruktionen zugrunde liegt, die in den folgenden Artikeln vorgestellt werden. Dabei werden eine sozialkonstruktivistische und biografietheoretische Konzeption der Genese und Transformation der Konstruktionen kollektiver Zugehörigkeit vorgestellt sowie deren methodologische Implikationen entwickelt. Auf der Grundlage der empirischen Befunde wird die enorme Wirksamkeit der Familiengeschichte und Lebensgeschichte in ihrer Wechselwirkung mit den historisch-kulturellen Rahmenbedingungen für die Konstruktion und Reinterpretation kollektiver Zugehörigkeiten diskutiert. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0903191


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Gabriele Rosenthal, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Gabriele ROSENTHAL is Professor for Qualitative Methods at the Center of Methods in Social Sciences at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Germany. She is currently the president of the Research Committee: "Biography and Society" (RC 38) within the International Sociological Association (ISA). Previous positions included a professorship for general sociology at the University of Cologne and a professorship for social therapy at the University of Kassel. Since 1989 she has taught qualitative methods and biographical research as a guest lecturer at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel. Her major research focus is on the intergenerational impact of the collective and familial history on biographical structures and actional patterns of individuals and family systems. Her current research deals with migration, ethnicity and ethnopolitical conflicts. She teaches qualitative methods, biographical research, family sociology, and general sociology and is the author and editor of numerous books including The Holocaust in Three Generations (1998) and Interpretative Sozialforschung (2005). Her recent articles have been in the field of migration and of methods (video-analysis or biographical research in interrelation to collective history).

Michaela Köttig, Fachhochschule Frankfurt am Main

Dr. Michaela KÖTTIG, born 1965, is currently a research assistant at the Center of Methods in Social Sciences at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen. She studied at the University of Kassel and was employed at the University of Cologne. Her research concerns female right-wing extremism in Germany. She also focuses on political socialization, family sociology, and family history as well as the influence of these factors on peer interactions. Furthermore, she is interested in young people’s transition from school to work and the construction of belongings in transnational families. Here, she focuses on the constellations of families with very different political opinions and patterns of actions. In her research, she employs biographical, intergenerational, and ethnographical methods and has written about the productive transfer of interpretative research methods to different fields of social work. As of 2003, she has been secretary of the Research Committee on Biography and Society (RC 38) at the International Sociological Association (ISA). In October, she will begin a professorship at the University of Applied Sciences at Frankfurt/Main for interviewing techniques, communication, and conflict management.




Rosenthal, G., & Köttig, M. (2009). Migration und Fragen der Zugehörigkeiten. Migranten und Migrantinnen in Deutschland und in Florida. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 10(3). https://doi.org/10.17169/fqs-10.3.1372




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