Autoethnografie: ein Überblick


  • Carolyn Ellis University of South Florida
  • Tony E. Adams Northeastern Illinois University
  • Arthur P. Bochner University of South Florida



Autoethnografie, relationale Ethik, ko-konstruierte Erzählungen, interaktive Interviews, Narration, Ethnografie, Autobiografie, narrative Ethnografie


Autoethnografie ist ein Ansatz zum Forschen und zur Präsentation von Forschungsergebnissen, der persönliche Erfahrungen systematisch beschreibt und analysiert, um auf diesem Weg kulturelle Erfahrung zu verstehen. Hierbei werden traditionelle Wege des Forschens und der Darstellung "der Anderen" kritisch infrage gestellt, denn Forschung wird als politisches, auf soziale Gerechtigkeit zielendes und sozial bewusstes Handeln verstanden. Forschende nutzen Mittel der Autobiografie und der Ethnografie, um Autoethnografie zu betreiben und darzustellen. Als Methode bezeichnet Autoethnografie gleichermaßen einen Prozess und ein Produkt. URN:


Keine Nutzungsdaten vorhanden.


Carolyn Ellis, University of South Florida

Carolyn ELLIS has published five books and four edited collections, the most recent of which are The Ethnographic I: A Methodological Novel about Autoethnography; Revision: Autoethnographic Reflections on Life and Work; and Music Autoethnographies: Making Autoethnography Sing/Making Music Personal. She has published numerous articles, chapters, and personal stories situated in interpretive representations of qualitative research, with a focus on grief, loss, and trauma. Her current research focuses on interactive interviews and collaborative witnessing with Holocaust survivors.

Tony E. Adams, Northeastern Illinois University

Tony E. ADAMS (Ph.D., University of South Florida) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication, Media and Theatre at Northeastern Illinois University. He studies and teaches about interpersonal and family communication, qualitative research, communication theory, and sex, gender, and sexuality. He has published in journals such as Qualitative Inquiry, Soundings, Cultural Studies, Critical Methodologies, Symbolic Interaction, and books such as The Handbook of Critical and Interpretive Methodologies (Sage) and Qualitative Inquiry and Human Rights (Left Coast Press). He is also the author of Narrating the Closet: An Autoethnography of Same-Sex Attraction (Left Coast Press).

Arthur P. Bochner, University of South Florida

Arthur P. BOCHNER is Distinguished University Professor of Communication and Co-Director of the Institute for Interpretive Human Studies at the University of South Florida. He is co-author of Understanding Family Communication (1996), co-editor of Composing Ethnography: Alternative Forms of Ethnographic Writing (1996), Ethnographically Speaking: Autoethnography, Literature, & Aesthetics (2002), and the Left Coast Press book series Writing Lives: Ethnographic Narratives. He has published more than 75 monographs, articles, and book chapters on qualitative research, close relationships, communication theory, and narrative inquiry.




Ellis, C., Adams, T. E., & Bochner, A. P. (2010). Autoethnografie: ein Überblick. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 12(1).