Tagungsbericht: 1. ATLAS.ti-Nutzer/innen-Konferenz


  • Jeanine C. Evers Evers Research & Training
  • Christina Silver University of Surrey




ATLAS.ti, Software basierte Qualitative Datenanalyse, QDA, Software-Training, Nutzung von ATLAS.ti, künstliche Intelligenz, Hermeneutik, Grounded-Theory-Methodologie


In diesem Beitrag behandeln wir die Eindrücke und Erfahrungen, die wir als langjährige ATLAS.ti-Nutzerinnen und -Trainerinnen im Verlauf der 1. ATLAS.ti-Nutzer/innen-Konferenz gewonnen haben, die 2013 in Berlin stattfand. Zunächst werden Herkunft, konzeptuelle Prinzipien und die Entwicklung von ATLAS.ti kurz skizziert, dann werden die im Verlauf der Tagung behandelten Themen erörtert und abschließend wird der Blick auf die Zukunft der Software(-entwicklung) gerichtet.

URN: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs1401197


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Jeanine C. Evers, Evers Research & Training

Jeanine EVERS is owner of Evers Research & Training, which provides training and coaching in qualitative research methods and QDA software by several university-based teachers. She has been teaching qualitative research methods and ATLAS.ti at several Dutch Universities since 2001, is an active member of the Dutch qualitative research platform KWALON since 1995 and is now a member of the Board. Her interests lie in qualitative research methods: their development and application within research projects. She wrote a book on qualitative Interviewing (EVERS, 2012) and is currently writing a book on qualitative data analysis. New technology, including QDA software is a specific point of interest. In FQS, she edited the January issue of 2011 together with Christina SILVER, Katja MRUCK and Bart PEETERS on The KWALON Experiment: Discussions on Qualitative Data Analysis Software by both Developers and Users and wrote the entry From the Past into the Future. How Technological Developments Change Our Ways of Data Collection, Transcription and Analysis.

Christina Silver, University of Surrey

Christina SILVER is the manager of the CAQDAS Networking Project, for which she has worked since 1998. The project provides information, advice and training in a range of software packages designed to facilitate the analysis of qualitative (and increasingly, mixed methods) data. She leads the training and capacity building activities of the project and is involved in research into the use and implications of qualitative technology. Christina's particular interests relate to the relationship between technology and methodology, the integration and analysis of non-textual data, using software and the impact of technology on the teaching of methodology. Christina is co-director of "Day Courses in Social Research", a programme of methodological training provided by the Department of Sociology at the University of Surrey. She is also the co-founder of Qualitative Data Analysis Services (QDAS), which provides customised training and consultancy services for individuals and groups engaged in qualitative analysis. In FQS, she edited the January issue of 2011 together with Jeanine EVERS, Katja MRUCK and Bart PEETERS on The KWALON Experiment: Discussions on Qualitative Data Analysis Software by both Developers and Users and in 2011 co-authored "Finding Fidelity: Advancing Audiovisual Analysis Using Software" with Jennifer PATASHNICK.




Evers, J. C., & Silver, C. (2014). Tagungsbericht: 1. ATLAS.ti-Nutzer/innen-Konferenz. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 15(1). https://doi.org/10.17169/fqs-15.1.2096


