Ethische Spannungen als Lehr-/Lernraum in narrativen Studien


  • Elly Park University of Alberta
  • Vera Caine University of Alberta
  • David McConnell University of Alberta
  • Joanne Minaker MacEwan University



ethische Spannungen, narrative Forschung, Forschungsbeziehungen, Hannah Arendt


In "The Human Condition" (1958) ermutigt uns Hannah ARENDT, uns intensiv mit unserer Rolle in Beziehungen auseinanderzusetzen und aufmerksam gegen eigene Handlungen und Intentionen zu sein. In diesem Beitrag greifen wir ethische Spannungen auf, die eine von uns im Verlauf ihrer Forschungsarbeit mit Frauen mit Lernschwierigkeiten erlebte, die Berührungen zu Einrichtungen der Strafverfolgung hatten. Genauer geht es um die Promotion der Erstautorin, die in ihrer Studie vier Frauen zu deren Leben befragte. Die ethischen Themen, die in diesem Zusammenhang deutlich wurden, sind vielschichtig und komplex, und sie warfen Fragen nach  Engagement und Verantwortlichkeit auf. Wir behandelten die hiermit verbundenen Spannungen als Lehr-/Lernraum für die Promovendin und ihr Supervisionskomitee. Im Besonderen beschäftigten wir uns mit der Frage, wer wir als Forschende sind bzw. wie wir zu Forschenden werden in Beziehung zu den Menschen, die wir in unseren Studien befragen. Als Beitrag zur Debatte über Ethik in der qualitativen Sozialforschung betonen wir die Notwendigkeit, Forschungsbeziehungen als Teil eines komplexen Netzwerkes zu verstehen, das uns als menschliche Wesen miteinander verbindet.



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Elly Park, University of Alberta

Elly PARK completed her PhD in the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Alberta, Canada. Her doctoral work focuses on using a narrative inquiry approach to understand experiences of young women with learning difficulties involved in the Canadian criminal justice system. Her research interests include young people involved the criminal justice system, social justice and restorative justice practices. She volunteers for different community organizations that work with marginalized populations, including the Youth Restorative Action Project (YRAP) and the Edmonton Elizabeth Fry Society, and she hopes to bridge her research with social policies and community initiatives.

Vera Caine, University of Alberta

Vera CAINE is an associate professor in the Faculty of Nursing, University of Alberta, Canada. Her areas of research reflect her interest in cross-disciplinary work and health equity in the areas of indigenous health and HIV infections. Since joining the faculty in 2009, CAINE has held numerous operating grants and in 2013 received a New Investigator Award from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. She maintains close relationships with community organizations such as the Boyle McCauley Health Centre, the Mustard Seed, Streetworks and HIV Edmonton. Her research has made significant contributions to narrative inquiry as a qualitative research methodology. She has also worked in supervisory roles with post-doctoral fellows and undergraduate and graduate students in the faculties of nursing, medicine, education and anthropology.

David McConnell, University of Alberta

David McCONNELL, PhD, trained at the University of Sydney, Australia. He is currently professor and director of the Family and Disability Studies Initiative, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Alberta, Canada. His research interests include social inclusion, supported parenting, and sustainable family care-giving. Dr. McCONNELL is an international leader in the field of parents and parenting with intellectual disability. The work of his research group in Australia, spanning two decades, led to the world's first national strategy to build system's capacity to support parents with intellectual disability and promote a healthy start to life for their children. He is currently Chair of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Special Interest Research Group on Parents and Parenting.

Joanne Minaker, MacEwan University

Joanne MINAKER, PhD, is an associate professor in the Department of Sociology at MacEwan University, Canada. An engaged mother of three and socially conscious academic, her life/work is rooted deeply in her commitment to family, social justice and the power of meaningful connections. She's an award- winning educator and author/editor of "Criminalized Mothers, Criminalizing Mothering and Youth, Crime, and Society: Issues of Power and Justice" (Demeter Press, 2015). Dr. MINAKER studies care, human connection, and social in/justice, including publications on domestic violence, criminalized girls and women, youth justice, and parenting. With a PhD in socio-legal studies from Queen's University, Canada, in 2003, Dr. MINAKER has devoted almost two decades to critical reflection and social engagement for social justice for the most vulnerable and marginalized. Her latest quest is leading Cared Humanity, a care-based community encouraging mutual support for the fundamental human tasks of care. She speaks passionately about the transformative power of caring and inspires people to be change agents radically restructuring the landscape of care in bold and powerful ways.




Park, E., Caine, V., McConnell, D., & Minaker, J. (2016). Ethische Spannungen als Lehr-/Lernraum in narrativen Studien. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 17(2).



FQS-Debatte: Qualitative Forschung und Ethik

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