Review: Donald K. Sharpes (2006). Sacred Bull, Holy Cow: A Cultural Study of Civilization's Most Important Animal


  • Marilyn Lichtman Virginia Tech



Geschichte der Viehzucht, Religion, soziokulturelle Aspekte der Viehzucht


SHARPES nimmt die Leser(innen) mit auf eine Reise, die von Zeichnungen in prähistorischen Höhlen bis in die Fast-Food-Ketten der Neuzeit reicht. Dabei hilft er – rückgreifend auf ein enormes Wissen über Religion, Geschichte und kulturelle Praktiken und auf eigene Erfahrungen – den "human context of the cow" zu verstehen und zeigt, dass Viehzucht ein unverzichtbarer Teil des zivilisierten Lebens ist. Der Autor besticht durch seinen Humor, seinen engagierten Stil und seinen Detailreichtum in einem eher ungewöhnlichen Gegenstandsbereich. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0703248


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Marilyn Lichtman, Virginia Tech

Marilyn LICHTMAN ( retired as a professor of educational research and evaluation from Virginia Tech, Falls Church and Blacksburg, Virginia. She has taught qualitative research methods for more than a dozen years. Sage published her recent book, Qualitative Research in Education, in 2006. Her research interests involve alternative methods of teaching qualitative research. She serves on the editorial boards of FQS and The Qualitative Report. She is completing her 14th year as a docent at the Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington, DC, one of the oldest private art museums in the United States where she conducts tours for children and adults. LICHTMAN visited a number of prehistoric caves in the Dordogne in 2006 where she saw firsthand examples of bison discussed by SHARPES. In previous FQS issues Marilyn LICHTMAN reviewed "Reworking Qualitative Data" ( (by HEATON 2005), "The NVivo Qualitative Project Book" ( (by BAZELEY & RICHARDS 2000) and "Visual Methodologies" ( (by ROSE 2001).




Lichtman, M. (2007). Review: Donald K. Sharpes (2006). Sacred Bull, Holy Cow: A Cultural Study of Civilization’s Most Important Animal. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 8(3).