Review: Dennis Howitt & Duncan Cramer (2005). Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology


  • Gavin B. Sullivan Monash University



psychologische Forschung, quantitative Methoden, qualitative Methoden, traditionelle Psychologie


Diese Einführung in die Forschungsmethoden der Psychologie von Dennis HOWITT und Duncan CRAMER ist der dritte Band einer Serie, nachdem sie zuvor bereits eines über Statistik in der Psychologie und eines über SPSS für Windows vorgelegt haben. In dem vorliegenden "Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology" werden Themen und Verfahren ohne theoretische Begründung vorgestellt, entsprechend werden qualitative Methoden unter eine generelle Logik von Forschung subsumiert (integriert) und damit wenig überzeugend für Studierende eingeführt. Der Band hinterlässt den Eindruck, er sei am besten für traditionell ausgerichtete psychologische Fachrichtungen adressiert. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs080168


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Gavin B. Sullivan, Monash University

Gavin SULLIVAN is a lecturer with interests in philosophy and psychology. He has written about reflexivity as a metatheoretical issue for psychology, WITTGENSTEIN's influence on psychotherapy practice, reflexivity and subjectivity in qualitative research, language change and notions of self in psychotherapy, risk theory in relation to qualitative research with forensic patients, the problems of contemporary anxiety self-help program and their governance, the challenges for emotion theory of vacillating and mixed emotions, the difficulties of cognitive appraisal theories in relation to social and relational emotions, conceptual issues in the study of pride as a self-evaluative emotion, and the need to rethink current understandings of national pride and patriotism. He is currently completing a book on the significance of pride for self and culture as well as a monograph on the relevance and limits of WITTGENSTEIN 's philosophy for psychology. This review was completed while the author was a visiting research fellow at the Free University, Berlin with the generous support of an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship.




Sullivan, G. B. (2008). Review: Dennis Howitt & Duncan Cramer (2005). Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 9(1).