Koproduktion von Wissen und Dialog: eine analytische Reflexion der Forschungsbeziehungen zwischen akademischen und lebensweltlichen Co-Forschenden zu Beginn des Forschungsprozesses





Koproduktion von Wissen, Dialog, Forschungsbeziehungen, Co-Forschende, Action Research, Asymmetrie, analytische Autoethnografie, Sequenzanalyse, objektive Hermeneutik, Critical Friends


Die partnerschaftliche Koproduktion von Wissen durch akademische und lebensweltliche Forschende ist ein zentrales Merkmal von Participatory Action Research. Erforderlich ist dafür, dass die Beteiligten einen transformativen Dialog führen. Aber wie soll dies in dem spezifischen Setting von Pflegeheimen gelingen? Wir untersuchten diese Frage anhand einer konkreten Interaktion zwischen akademischen und lebensweltlichen Forschenden in einem Action Research-Projekt in einem deutschen Pflegeheim. Unter Bezugnahme auf Paulo FREIRE und Mikhail BAKHTIN entwickelten wir sieben Dialogkriterien, die wir als sensibilisierende Konzepte nutzten. Für eine kritische Datenanalyse verbanden wir drei methodische Ansätze: 1. die analytische Autoethnografie, 2. sequenzielle Analysen im Sinne der objektiven Hermeneutik und 3. eine reflexive Analyse mit Critical Friends. Diese innovative Methodenverbindung ermöglichte uns eine vertiefte und komplexe Interpretation des Datenmaterials. Wir stellen dabei fest, dass alle sieben Dialogkriterien wichtig für die Koproduktion von Wissen waren und daher den Prozess zwischen akademischen und lebensweltlichen Forschenden anleiten sollten.


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Marilena von Köppen, Hochschule Fulda

Marilena VON KÖPPEN (M.sc.) is research assistant in the Department of Nursing and Health and doctoral candidate at the PhD Centre Public Health at Fulda University of Applied Sciences (HSF). She has published on ethical symmetry and participatory research with vulnerable groups. In her research, she focuses on participatory research methodology and ethics, ethics of care, qualitative research, old age and critical gerontology. She is speaker of the critical gerontology working committee of the German Association for Gerontology and Geriatrics (DGGG) and active member in the German network of participatory health research (PartNet) and in the international collaboration of participatory health research (ICPHR).

Susanne Kümpers, Hochschule Fulda

Dr. Susanne KÜMPERS is professor for qualitative health research, social inequality and public health strategies at the Department of Nursing and Health at Fulda University of Applied Sciences (HSF) since 2012. In her work, she focuses on age, inequality and health, health promotion, prevention and care research in sociospatial conditions, as well as on questions of inequality and participation. Her methodological field of interest is qualitative and participatory research. From 2013 to 2015, she was a member of the Federal Government's Seventh Commission on the Report on Older Persons. She is board member of Section IV (Social Gerontology and Care for Older People) of the German Association for Gerontology and Geriatrics (DGGG) and was also board member of the German Association of Public Health (DGPH) from 2016 to 2020.

Daphne Hahn, Hochschule Fulda

Dr. Daphne HAHN is professor of health sciences and empirical social research at the Department of Nursing and Health at Fulda University of Applied Sciences (HSF) since 2008. In her work, she focuses on gender and health, reproductive and sexual health, older people and dementia care. Her methodological field of interest is qualitative and participatory research as well as mixed-methods. She is member of the scientific advisory board of the Frauengesundheitszentrum Frankfurt/M. and chair person of ProFamilia e.V., the main German association for reproductive and sexual health. She is currently leading a large collaborative project on unintended pregnancy "Women's Life Situations and Experiences during Unplanned Pregnancies. Guidelines for Psychosocial Counseling and Medical Care" (ELSA).




von Köppen, M., Kümpers, S., & Hahn, D. (2022). Koproduktion von Wissen und Dialog: eine analytische Reflexion der Forschungsbeziehungen zwischen akademischen und lebensweltlichen Co-Forschenden zu Beginn des Forschungsprozesses. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 23(1). https://doi.org/10.17169/fqs-23.1.3726


