Editorial: Überblick über die Schwerpunktausgabe "Performative Sozialwissenschaft"


  • John J. Guiney Yallop Acadia University
  • Irene Lopez de Vallejo University College London
  • Peter Wright Murdoch University




Performative Social Science (PSS), PSS-Theorie, PSS-Methoden, PSS-Ethik, Evaluation von PSS, performative Sozialwissenschaft


Wir haben dieses Editorial geschrieben, indem wir einzeln und gemeinsam die Artikel dieser Schwerpunktausgabe besucht haben, und wir geben es Ihnen als mögliche Landkarte für Ihre eigene Beschäftigung an die Hand. Wir hoffen, dass es Ihnen dienlich ist als Leseanleitung für Ihre Lektüre, dass Sie oft zu ihm zurückkehren und von hier wieder zu den einzelnen Artikeln, um dort zu eruieren, was für Ihre eigene Arbeit nützlich ist. Wir wünschen Ihnen eine angenehme Reise: Sammeln Sie Souvenirs und vergessen Sie nicht, auch etwas von sich selbst an den besuchten Orten zurückzulassen. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0802649


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John J. Guiney Yallop, Acadia University

John J. GUINEY YALLOP is a parent, a partner, and a poet. John recently completed his PhD in Education at The University of Western Ontario where he wrote a book of autoethnographic, queer poetry as data for his research, followed by an exegesis. John subsequently accepted an appointment to the School of Education at Acadia University.

Irene Lopez de Vallejo, University College London

Irene LOPEZ DE VALLEJO is a sociologist with several years experience in social and industrial research. She was recently KTP (Knowledge Transfer Partnership) Associate at AMA Alexi Marmot Associates in London where she developed new methodological tools to study social interaction in complex buildings. She is currently writing up her PhD dissertation at The Bartlett, University College London, in the area of pervasive technologies, specifically location tracking systems, and its effects in the office environment. Before moving to the UK, Irene was Human Capital Development Director at Fundación TEKNIKER, Spain, a leading technological research institute in the area of manufacturing with a specific research focus in the field of ubiquitous computing.

Peter Wright, Murdoch University

Peter WRIGHT is a Senior Lecturer in Arts Education and Research Methods at Murdoch University in Perth, Western Australia. He works across the Arts with a commitment to personal, social and cultural inquiry, development, education and expression. His recent work includes collaboration with a social impact of the arts company to strengthen community and reduce fear and crime in a housing estate through arts practice.




Guiney Yallop, J. J., Lopez de Vallejo, I., & Wright, P. (2008). Editorial: Überblick über die Schwerpunktausgabe "Performative Sozialwissenschaft". Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 9(2). https://doi.org/10.17169/fqs-9.2.375