Tagungsbericht: "Health Policy and Programs Evaluative Research for Social Change": ein iberoamerikanisches Symposium


  • Francisco Mercado-Martínez University of Guadalajara
  • Denise Gastaldo University of Toronto
  • Maria Lúcia Bosi Universidad Federal de Ceará;
  • Sergio Carvalho Universidad Estatal de Campinas
  • Esther Wiesenfeld Universidad Central de Venezuela
  • Euclides Sánchez Universidad Central de Venezuela
  • Irma Xóchitl Fuentes-Uribe Universidad de Guadalajara




Forschung, Evaluation, qualitativ, Gesundheit, Programme, sozialer Wandel


In diesem Beitrag berichten wir über das iberoamerikanische Symposium "Health Policy and Programs Evaluative Research for Social Change", das vom 1.-3. November 2006 in Guadalajara (Mexiko) veranstaltet wurde. Teilnehmende kamen aus acht Ländern und gehörten Universitäten, Gesundheitsorganisationen oder NGOs an. Die wichtigsten, in den Vorträgen und Diskussionen behandelten Themen betrafen die Relevanz von qualitativer und Evaluationsforschung und von universitärer Lehre für soziale Wandlungsprozesse, ethische Herausforderungen sowie Möglichkeiten, die Ergebnisse aus qualitativer Forschung für unterschiedliche Gruppen (Nutzer und Nutzerinnen, politische Entscheidungsträger[innen], Professionelle und die interessierte Öffentlichkeit insgesamt) zugänglich zu machen. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0802194


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Francisco Mercado-Martínez, University of Guadalajara

Francisco MERCADO-MARTÍNEZ, MD, PhD, professor at the University of Guadalajara, México; director of the Qualitative Health Research and Evaluation Program (PROGIECS); author of more than one hundred publications. Research interests: chronic illness and inequalities, qualitative health research and evaluation and critical research approaches.

Denise Gastaldo, University of Toronto

Denise GASTALDO, BScN, MA, PhD, associate professor and associate dean at the Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, Canada. She has developed research projects in Canada, Spain, and Brazil in the areas of health promotion, migration, and social inclusion.

Maria Lúcia Bosi, Universidad Federal de Ceará;

Maria Lúcia M. BOSI, PhD, associate professor and coordinator of the Public Health Master and Doctoral Programs at the Federal University of Ceara, Brasil; PhD in Public Health. She is a researcher of the Consejo Nacional de Desenvolvimiento Científico y Tecnológico, CNPq/Brasil. Her areas of interest: qualitative research and evaluation of primary health care. She collaborates with over 15 journals.

Sergio Carvalho, Universidad Estatal de Campinas

Sergio Resende CARVALHO, PhD, professor at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), São Paolo, Brazil. Areas of interest: subjectivity, power and management in primary health care. He coordinates a project on qualitative evaluation of labor management and training of health professionals in primary health care. He collaborates with numerous journals.

Esther Wiesenfeld, Universidad Central de Venezuela

Esther WIESENFELD, PhD, professor at the Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV); PhD in Social Psychology; author of over 50 articles. She has been Head of the Departamento de Investigaciones Aplicadas del Instituto de Psicología de la UCV.

Euclides Sánchez, Universidad Central de Venezuela

Euclides SÁNCHEZ, PhD, professor in the Masters Program at the Universidad Central de Venezuela. He has been Director of the Instituto de Psicología of the UCV and is author of over 50 articles.

Irma Xóchitl Fuentes-Uribe, Universidad de Guadalajara

Irma Xóchitl FUENTES-URIBE, BM, MBA, professor at the University of Guadalajara Economic and Administrative Sciences Center. She is also research assistant at the University of Guadalajara Health Sciences Center.




Mercado-Martínez, F., Gastaldo, D., Bosi, M. L., Carvalho, S., Wiesenfeld, E., Sánchez, E., & Fuentes-Uribe, I. X. (2008). Tagungsbericht: "Health Policy and Programs Evaluative Research for Social Change": ein iberoamerikanisches Symposium. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 9(2). https://doi.org/10.17169/fqs-9.2.437