Umformungen der Grounded Theory


  • Barney G. Glaser The Grounded Theory Institute
  • Judith Holton



Grounded Theory, qualitative Datenanalyse, Methode des permanenten Vergleichs, theoretische Sensibilität


In diesem Beitrag verdeutliche ich meine Besorgnis über zahlreiche Umformungen der Grounded Theory (GT), die mit deren Rezeption durch Methodologien der qualitative Datenanalyse (QDA) einhergehen, und hieraus folgende Erosionen. Ich skizziere zunächst einige Beispiele hierfür, um danach die essentiellen Bestandteile der klassischen GT-Methodologie zusammenzufassen. Ich hoffe, dass dieser Beitrag meine Besorgnis über die wachsende, aber meines Erachtens missverstandene Einvernahme von GT durch QDA-Methodologien veranschaulicht und zugleich als einführender Leitfaden für Novizen und Novizinnen dient, die daran interessiert sind, die grundlegenden Prinzipien der GT nachzuvollziehen. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs040245


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Barney G. Glaser, The Grounded Theory Institute

Barney G. GLASER ( received his BA degree at Stanford 1952. He studied contemporary literature for a year at the Sorbonne, University of Paris, and he spent two years in the army one of which was in Freiburg, Germany, where he became fluent in German and studied literature at University of Freiburg during off-hours. He received his PhD from Columbia University in 1961. He then went to University of California San Francisco, where he joined Anselm STRAUSS in doing the dying in hospitals study and in teaching PhD students methods and analysis. He then published his dissertation as a book "Organizational Scientists: Their Professional Careers" and published over 20 articles on the subject of professional careers and the dying research. Then "Awareness of Dying" was written in 1965 and immediately became a resounding success. Upon request, GLASER and STRAUSS wrote the "Discovery of Grounded Theory" in 1967 to show how the dying research was done. Another big success! Then followed two more books on dying and one on chronic illness and one on status passage with STRAUSS. Since then GLASER has written 13 more books using and about grounded theory. Most are now published by Sociology Press. He has written countless articles. In 1998 he received an honorary doctorate from Stockholm University, Sweden. His works are read throughout the world.

Judith Holton

Judith HOLTON is Research Development Consultant at Holland College, Charlottetown, PE, Canada. She holds a Bachelor of Arts (Dalhousie) and a Master of Arts (Royal Roads). She is currently engaged in doctoral research using grounded theory, as a PhD candidate at University College Northampton, UK.




Glaser, B. G., & Holton, J. (2004). Umformungen der Grounded Theory. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 5(2).