Review: Arthur P. Bochner & Carolyn Ellis (Hrsg.) (2002). Ethnographically Speaking: Autoethnography, Literature and Aesthetics


  • Valerie Malhotra Bentz Fielding Graduate Institute



Ethnografie, Autoethnografie, Literatur, Ästhetik, Narration, Performanz


Das hier besprochene Buch enthält Beiträge einer Tagung zu Autoethnographie, die – organisiert von der Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction – 2000 in St. Petersberg, Florida stattgefunden hat. In 27 Kapiteln geben unterschiedlicher Autor(inn)en Beispiele für Ansätze, die sich um eine Verknüpfung alltagsweltlicher Erfahrung mit sozialwissenschaftlicher Ethnographie bemühen. Die Sammlung und die Tagung, aus der sie hervorgegangen ist, eröffnen kreative Alternativen zu gegenwärtigen sozialwissenschaftlichen Diskussionen. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs030216


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Valerie Malhotra Bentz, Fielding Graduate Institute

Valerie Malhotra BENTZ is Professor of Human and Organization Development at the Fielding Graduate Institute. She is the author, with Jeremy SHAPIRO, of a book which builds groundwork for the researcher in the postmodern era based on phenomenology, hermeneutics, critical theory and Buddhism (Mindful Inquiry in Social Research, Sage, 1998). She is a Certified Clinical Sociologist and is on the board of the Sociological Practice Association and is a member of the American Sociological Association and the Society for Phenomenology and the Human Sciences. She recently received a social justice award from the Fielding Graduate Institute for her work developing action research in Mizoram, India. She is a certified body therapist and certified yoga teacher who offers workshops on deep learning and expressive writing.




Bentz, V. M. (2003). Review: Arthur P. Bochner & Carolyn Ellis (Hrsg.) (2002). Ethnographically Speaking: Autoethnography, Literature and Aesthetics. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 4(2).