Qualitative Forschung in der/den Sportwissenschaft(en) – eine Einführung


  • Reinhard Stelter University of Copenhagen
  • Andrew Sparkes University of Exeter
  • Ina Hunger Georg-August-Universität Göttingen




qualitative Forschung, Sportwissenschaft, Sportpsychologie, Sportunterricht, Training, Ethik, Ethnografie


Qualitative Forschung hat ihre eigene Stärke, denn sie ist in der Lage, die Multidimensionalität von Sinnzuschreibungen, Kontexten, nicht antizipierbaren Phänomenen, Prozessen und Erklärungen aus der Welt von Sport, Spiel und Bewegung zu erfassen. Der Artikel gibt einen Überblick über die verschiedenen Themenfelder und Artikel dieser Ausgabe des Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research mit dem Schwerpunkt Sportwissenschaft(en). URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs030124


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Reinhard Stelter, University of Copenhagen

Reinhard STELTER is an Associate Professor in the Psychology of Sport at the University of Copenhagen. He is the Head of the Department of Physical Education, Pedagogy and Psychology at the Institute of Exercise and Sport Science. He gained his PhD in psychology at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, and both his M.A. in sport science and history and his BA in sociology at the University of Kiel, Germany. He is trained in psychotherapy. Currently, he is the President of the Danish Forum of Sport Psychology, member of the managing council of FEPSAC, the European Association of Sport Psychology. He is the President of the 11th European Congress of Sport Psychology in Copenhagen (http://www.fepsac2003.dk/), 22-27 July 2003. His main research is in the area of self and identity, theory of the body, learning processes, coaching, and children in sport, where he predominantly uses different qualitative methods. He has published several books (in Danish and German) in the area of sport and exercise psychology.

Andrew Sparkes, University of Exeter

Andrew C. SPARKES (PhD) is a Professor of Social Theory and Director of the Qualitative Research Unit in the School of Sport & Health Sciences at the University of Exeter. His research interests are eclectic and include the following: interrupted body projects and the narrative reconstruction of self; embodiment and identity construction through sport and physical activity; narratives of injury, illness, and disability; the lives and careers of marginal individuals and groups. He draws upon multiple forms of qualitative analyses and aspires to represent the findings using a variety of genres that range from realist tales to ethnographic fiction. He has published extensively in a range of leading journals associated with sociology, psychology, education, and health. His most recent book is Telling Tales in Sport and Physical Activity: A Qualitative Journey [2002. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Press].

Ina Hunger, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Ina HUNGER (PhD) is a lecturer and a research assistant at the University of Osnabrück, Germany; she studied ethnography/social anthropology. Furthermore, she got her certification in teaching sport science, German language, pedagogy and psychology as a high school teacher from the University of Göttingen. Her PhD is in the area of educational and cultural sciences from the University of Osnabrück. Research areas: Movement culture and everyday life, non-participation in relation to sport, qualitative methods, and children in sport




Stelter, R., Sparkes, A., & Hunger, I. (2003). Qualitative Forschung in der/den Sportwissenschaft(en) – eine Einführung. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.17169/fqs-4.1.744