Review: Georg Glasze & Annika Mattissek (Eds.) (2009). Handbuch Diskurs und Raum [Handbook on Discourse and Space]


  • Katharina Manderscheid Universität Luzern



discourse studies, Foucault, Laclau, Mouffe, human geography, social science research methods, space, spatial turn


This edited book by Georg GLASZE and Annika MATTISSEK constitutes an introduction to the debate on space and discourse in human geography. The book comprises three parts. The first and lengthiest one consists of theoretical contributions and concepts of discourse studies in human geography. The articles in the second part conceptualise space from a discourse-theoretical perspective, and the third part of the book presents a selection of methods for discourse analysis in empirical geography. The book is a very useful introduction for researchers and students as well as an intermediary overview over the emerging field of social scientific research into spatialities inspired by poststructuralist approaches. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs1002172


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Author Biography

Katharina Manderscheid, Universität Luzern

Katharina MANDERSCHEID, Dr. phil., ist Oberassistentin im Bereich qualitative und quantitative Methoden des Soziologischen Seminars der Universität Luzern und arbeitet zu Mobilität und sozialer Ungleichheit in international-vergleichender und in diskursanalytischer Perspektive. Weitere Forschungsschwerpunkte sind Raum, Stadtsoziologie, Gender Studies, Lebensstilforschung und Nachhaltigkeitsforschung.

How to Cite

Manderscheid, K. (2010). Review: Georg Glasze & Annika Mattissek (Eds.) (2009). Handbuch Diskurs und Raum [Handbook on Discourse and Space]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 11(2).