Only Second Best? Interview Reports as a Method of Documenting Qualitative Interviews


  • Dita Vogel Universität Bremen
  • Barbara Johanna Funck Universität Bremen



interviewing, transcription, recording, minutes, interview reports, qualitative interview, undocumented migration, telephone interviews, expert interviews


Qualitative interviews should be audio recorded and transcribed word by word. This has been recommended in most methodology texts. Relying on interview reports as a means of interview documentation is typically described as a second-best solution if audio recording is not possible. In this contribution, we question this position on the basis of theoretical considerations and research experience.

The advantages and disadvantages of "audio recording + transcription" versus "note-taking + reporting" are systematically compared. Two studies are presented as exemplary cases in which interview reports have been chosen as the most suitable means of interview documentation. In both studies, we dealt with sensitive topics and aimed at reconstructing routines and procedures.

Generally, reports can be adequate when researchers are less interested in the interpretation of what was exactly said and more interested in what interviewees intended to say. In addition, note-taking should be considered if audio recording prevents the participation of particularly interesting interviewees or if it hinders an open conversation. With this contribution, we aim at stimulating further debate about when interview reports are appropriate and how they should be designed.


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Author Biographies

Dita Vogel, Universität Bremen

Dr. Dita VOGEL is a senior researcher in the Department of Migration, Education and Society / Intercultural Education at the University of Bremen. In her research, she focuses on educational policy development and school development in relation to migration, mobility and languages in Bremen, Germany and in an internationally comparative perspective.

After studying economics (University of Cologne), VOGEL completed her doctorate at the University of Bremen on the fiscal effects of immigration (1996). There, she also conducted interdisciplinary research and learned qualitative research methods at the Centre for Social Policy from 1989 to 1997. After completing her doctorate, VOGEL was involved as a senior researcher in numerous interdisciplinary and comparative projects in the field of migration and education at the Universities of Bremen and Oldenburg and the Hamburg Institute of International Economics.

Barbara Johanna Funck, Universität Bremen

Dr. Barbara Johanna FUNCK works as a research assistant (post-doc) in the Department of Migration, Education and Society / Intercultural Education at the University of Bremen. In her research, she focuses on the local realization of the human right to education, the accessibility of the education system in the context of migration, and different conditions of residency.

After studying social sciences (B.A., University of Marburg) and social politics (M.A., University of Bremen), FUNCK worked in several research projects and as lecturer for education at the University of Bremen. In her doctoral study (completed in 2023), she employed follow-the-people methods to reconstruct school access in the context of migration and different conditions of residency, starting with parent interviews.


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How to Cite

Vogel, D., & Funck, B. J. (2017). Only Second Best? Interview Reports as a Method of Documenting Qualitative Interviews. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 19(1).



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