Master of Science Degree Qualitative Social Research Methods at the Polytechnic University of Nicaragua: Critical Reconstruction of Genesis and Evolution


  • Aura Violeta Aldana Saraccini Universidad Politécnica de Nicaragua



qualitative research paradigm, context, theoretical perspective, methodology and methods in qualitative research


This article offers a descriptive and critic analysis of the genesis and evolution of the Master of Science degree in "Methods of Qualitative Social Research," offered by the Polytechnic University of Nicaragua. It is the result of an analysis whose objectives were aimed at rebuilding through the application of qualitative techniques, internal and external factors to University life that have affected and continue to affect the status of the degree program. This analysis is based on the events surrounding its rebuilding; in the article I also reflect on the importance of the qualitative paradigm to the development of strategies to address the complex task of teaching and learning how to conduct such research. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0801117


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Author Biography

Aura Violeta Aldana Saraccini, Universidad Politécnica de Nicaragua

Aura Violeta ALDANA SARACCINI es Master of Science en Metodología de la Investigación Social Cualitativa, por la Universidad Politécnica de Nicaragua, UPOLI. Especialista en Metodología de la Enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales, con Mención en Filosofía y, Licenciada en Pedagogía y Ciencias de la Educación, por la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. Ha trabajado como docente en los tres niveles de la educación, tanto en Guatemala como en Nicaragua. Actualmente es Investigadora Institucional y miembro del Consejo Consultivo del Centro Interuniversitario de Estudios Latinoamericanos y Caribeños, CIELAC de UPOLI, Nicaragua.



How to Cite

Violeta Aldana Saraccini, A. (2008). Master of Science Degree Qualitative Social Research Methods at the Polytechnic University of Nicaragua: Critical Reconstruction of Genesis and Evolution. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 9(1).