Review: Siegfried Jäger & Dirk Halm (Eds.) (2007). Mediale Barrieren? Rassismus als Integrationshindernis [Media Barriers? Racism as a Means Against Integration]
"caricature debate", discourse analysis, stereotypes, islamophobia, qualitative text analysis, "freedom of press"Abstract
This volume is an important contribution to the big debates about on-going social change in our societies: The topics of integration, multiculturalism, security and freedom of press are touched upon. More specifically, the analysis focuses on the implications of, and the reporting on, the "caricature-debate" 2005/6. Commonly used, mostly negative stereotypes and frames regarding Muslims are detected; moreover, the genesis of "enemy images" is made explicit through detailed discourse analysis. In sum: alternative discourses have to be created which deconstruct the "binary reductionism". Hence, other opinions, voices and positions should find access to the media and become visible. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0801224Downloads
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How to Cite
Wodak, R. (2008). Review: Siegfried Jäger & Dirk Halm (Eds.) (2007). Mediale Barrieren? Rassismus als Integrationshindernis [Media Barriers? Racism as a Means Against Integration]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 9(1).
FQS Reviews
Copyright (c) 2008 Ruth Wodak

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