Introducing the Staged Narrative Analysis: A Comprehensive Framework to Analyze Multi-Layered and Complex Narrative Data


  • Kristine Andra Avram Philipps University Marburg



narrative analysis, analytical framework, research strategy , methodological guidance


Building on multi-perspectival research on narratives and responsibility ascriptions in the context of (past) collective violence and repression, I have developed the staged narrative analysis (SNA) to guide the systematic examination of complex and multi-layered narrative data in various research contexts. To introduce SNA in this article, I first discuss its development and then present its two components: 1., a flexible analytical framework to consider the content, structure, and context of storytelling by breaking down the analysis of narratives into the following dimensions: narrator, moment of telling, structure, and stories; and 2., a five-stage analytical procedure to enable an in-depth analysis of individual narratives from different data sources as well as a structured comparison between and across different perspectives. When presenting each of the five stages, i.e., orientation, setting the scene, zooming in, evaluation, and contrasting, I outline the techniques used applying my own empirical data as an example. Finally, I discuss the potential applications and adaptations of the SNA in other studies.


Author Biography

Kristine Andra Avram, Philipps University Marburg

Kristine Andra AVRAM is a researcher at the Center for Conflict Studies, Philipps University Marburg. She is a peace and conflict scholar specializing in multi-perspectival studies on violence and repression and oral history projects. Her research interests include (inter)national criminal justice, reconciliation, and practices of responsibility as well as sociology of law, (auto)ethnography and narrative approaches and analyses.


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How to Cite

Avram, K. A. (2025). Introducing the Staged Narrative Analysis: A Comprehensive Framework to Analyze Multi-Layered and Complex Narrative Data. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 26(1).