"Let the Fear Go and Trust the Process"—Experiencing Grounded Theory Over a Lifetime. Odis E. Simmons in Conversation With Astrid Gynnild





grounded theory methodology, classic grounded theory, grounded action, teaching and learning, atmosphering, grounded therapy, open questions, general method


Odis SIMMONS was among the first students who learned grounded theory method (GTM) directly from the co-founders GLASER and STRAUSS. Except for GLASER himself, SIMMONS is probably the grounded theorist who has taught the method to most students globally. In this interview SIMMONS provides key insights into learning, doing, teaching, and applying classic grounded theory (GT) as a general research method. With his double background as a therapist and a teacher in higher education, SIMMONS elaborates on fears that students might have during the research process and how they are overcome. He explains the ideas behind his own approaches to grounded action and grounded therapy, which for a long time resided in the GTM background but are gradually getting more widespread. In the interview, he also brings new knowledge on the diverging perspectives of GLASER and STRAUSS which, according to him, existed from the beginning. He argues, in an including manner, why classic GTM and constructivist GTM should be considered two different methods and urges educators to openly discuss the differences.


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Author Biographies

Odis Simmons

Odis E. SIMMONS enrolled at the University of California, San Francisco in 1970, and became an early student of both GLASER and STRAUSS after their seminal work "The Discovery of Grounded Theory" (1967) was published. SIMMONS got his PhD in sociology at the University of California, San Francisco in 1974. He has taught classic GTM to hundreds of students since he first started in 1971. His first academic position was at the University of Tulsa, Oklahoma. He then went to Yale University in Connecticut, where he directed the self-care program in the Medical School. From there he and his wife decided to take the plunge and move to the Northwest. After 14 years as a therapist, SIMMONS went on to a faculty position at Fielding Graduate University, where he developed his own program in classic GTM. He held the position at Fielding for 16 years until he formally retired in 2014. Following up on his teaching career, SIMMONS has written "Experiencing Grounded Theory: A Comprehensive Guide to Learning, Doing, Mentoring, Teaching, and Applying Grounded Theory," which was published in 2022. SIMMONS was a close friend of Barney G. GLASER until GLASER died in 2022, and he is a fellow of the Grounded Theory Institute.

Astrid Gynnild, University of Bergen

Astrid GYNNILD is a professor of media studies at the University of Bergen, Norway. She attended her first troubleshooting seminar with Barney GLASER in London in 2004. She got her PhD from the University of Bergen in 2006 with a grounded theory on creative processes of news professionals, with GLASER as external examiner. GYNNILD was a participant observer at more than a dozen of GLASER's troubleshooting seminars in Europe and in the USA 2004-2017. She was a visiting research scholar at the University of California, Berkeley 2011-2012, while also working closely with GLASER. She served as an editor of the non-profit journal Grounded Theory Review (GTR) 2012-2018 and turned the GTR into an open-access journal. GYNNILD co-authored "Grounded Theory: The Philosophy, Method and Work of Barney Glaser" with Vivian B. MARTIN (2012). She has published several classic grounded theories in both English and Norwegian. She is a reviewer in the GTR and a fellow of the Grounded Theory Institute.


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How to Cite

Simmons, O., & Gynnild, A. (2024). "Let the Fear Go and Trust the Process"—Experiencing Grounded Theory Over a Lifetime. Odis E. Simmons in Conversation With Astrid Gynnild. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 25(2). https://doi.org/10.17169/fqs-25.2.4226



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