Unfocussed Language Acquisition? The Presentation of Linguistic Situations in Biographical Narration


  • Rita Franceschini Universität des Saarlandes




acquisition, constructivism, interaction, emotion


Against the background of the turn towards constructivism and its impact on the current discussion of methodology, the author of the article reconstructs the specific, interactive plausibilization that autobiographical narrative achieves. The analysis focuses on those sequences where the narrator describes her language acquisition processes. Behavioural data (her elaborate knowledge of German, which is obvious throughout the interview) are contrasted with the account of her crucial experiences where she states having acquired German mainly through the medium of television. The specific role of suffering is highlighted and connected to results from the field of language acquisition research and related to the narrator, demonstrating how closely successful acquisition and emotions are related to each other. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0303192


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Author Biography

Rita Franceschini, Universität des Saarlandes

Rita FRANCESCHINI, University of Saarland, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures; PhD University of Zurich 1992, Habilitation Thesis University of Basle in Romance Philology 1999. Since 2000 full professor at the University of Saarland, Chair of Applied linguistics. Main interests: Conversation Analysis, Language Acquisition, Morphology, Neurobiology of Multilingualism. Co-Editor of "Lili-Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik" and "Vox Romanica" and the Series "agorà: Stadt-Sprache-Text" (Stauffenburg Verlag).




How to Cite

Franceschini, R. (2003). Unfocussed Language Acquisition? The Presentation of Linguistic Situations in Biographical Narration. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 4(3). https://doi.org/10.17169/fqs-4.3.667