Processing of Verbal Data and Knowledge Representation by GABEK®-WinRelan®


  • Josef Zelger Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck
  • Andreas Oberprantacher Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck



Gabek, WinRelan, knowledge organization, qualitative research, qualitative approaches, qualitative methodologies, organizational culture


Diffuse as well as specific information is not solely found in organizations, but it also sprawls all over the Internet. In our article we will show how scattered linguistic knowledge can be selected, processed and structured with the aid of the software WinRelan to promote a holistic understanding of complex social phenomena and to facilitate decision-making that is accepted and supported by those concerned. Based on this problem-oriented background the method GABEK (GAnzheitliche BEwältigung von Komplexität—holistic processing of complexity, © Josef Zelger, Innsbruck, 1990-2002) was developed and implemented in the software program WinRelan (Windows Relation Analysis © Josef Zelger, Innsbruck).1WinRelan was developed for GABEK-applications by Josef SCHÖNEGGER and Josef ZELGER, Innsbruck 1991—2002. WinRelan facilitates the analysis of large unstructured and controversial everyday language data samples. Automated, computerized steps of data processing are accompanied by the semantic work of the researcher. WinRelan offers different PC-supported operations, whereby each of these procedures leads to the integration and linkage of the multi layered distributed knowledge of the people concerned. Results are conceptual knowledge systems, empirical generalizations, cognitive concepts, causal assumptions and value systems in the form of hierarchically ordered text groups, association graphs, evaluation profiles, cause-effect structures, relevance lists, etc. The procedure is applied in theory construction as well as for the purpose of providing orientation and in preparing decision processes in organizations. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0202272


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Author Biographies

Josef Zelger, Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck

Prof. Dr. Josef ZELGER: Studies in theology, physics, psychology, philosophy at the University of Innsbruck. Professor of philosophy at the University of Innsbruck since 1983. Lectures in the fields of ethics, philosophy of science, theory of knowledge, qualitative research methods, philosophy of language, decision- and action theory. Co-editor of CONCEPTUS. Zeitschrift für Philosophie 1967-1994. Head of the Department of Philosophy at Innsbruck University 1988-1990. Development of different methods for complex problem solving in small groups and its application in companies, schools and other institutions 1986-2001. Development of GABEK, a PC-supported procedure for qualitative opinion research and systems development and its application since 1990. Applications: e.g. product development in a big German motor-car company, organization development in Austrian schools, evaluation of the Italian elementary school reform in South Tirol, Italy, quality management in a regional hospital in South Tirol. Introduction to the GABEK method and supervision of about a 150 projects of 16 disciplines in 14 countries.

Andreas Oberprantacher, Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck

Mag. Andreas OBERPRANTACHER: Studies in philosophy, history, ethnology, world literature at the University of Innsbruck. Project assistant of philosophy at the University of Innsbruck since 1999. Lectures in the fields of history of philosophy, ethics and qualitative research methods. Working on the research project "Identity and perspectives for the future of the linguistic communities in South Tirol," 1999-2002.




How to Cite

Zelger, J., & Oberprantacher, A. (2002). Processing of Verbal Data and Knowledge Representation by GABEK®-WinRelan®. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 3(2).